Thursday, 1 December 2011

The Versatile Blogger Award.

I was given an award by the lovely Char, thanks hun, and though I really ought to do a post about it.

I have to share 7 facts about myself so here goes:

  • I was born with such white hair that I looked bald for ages and seemingly had very faint eyebrows and eye lashes
  • I am classed as an executive in my job role and even though my hubby is a lower grade he actually earns more money than me!

  • I have met Sam and Mark (Pop idol fame) and was really chuffed as they were such lovely people.

  • During a resent store opening in which Lightening from the gladiators attended (she is such a lovely lady and still has a fantastic body, sooo not fair!) she signed a photo for my hubby as a surprise for Christmas, don't tell him!

  • I am taking part in no less than 10 secret santas this year!

  • Deep down I truly believe I will eventually have all matching numbers for a huge lottery win. Well a girl can dream can't she.

  • Finally I hate the cold, even though Christmas is my favourite time of year!
I pass this on to anyone wishing to join in.

X x


  1. Snap - I got this award to from Victoria at Vintage Victoria. Great pos I must get around to doing this soon xx

  2. If anyone deserves to win the lottery it's a sweet soul like you.

    The cold is so hard to bear isn't is? But what a lovely time of year! xo. -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud

  3. Bless, thanks Bella!

    Yes I know 10 may seem excessive but we are doing this with friends instead of buying loads of gifts, in-turn saving us a fortune.

    X x


Please be kind, remember we are all friends here.
I love getting your messages, they brighten up my day and will answer any questions as quickly as I possibly can.

Love and lipstick.
X x