Friday, 26 September 2014

Cigarette......... Pants Anyone?....

No I wouldn't be offering anyone cigarettes, thats one habit I most defiantly don't have.
But I have fell in love with what my dear mom calls cigarette pants.

Perfect for work or smart casual days when you want to steer away from the jeans.

This pair were from Sainsburys would you believe and a bargain with the extra 25% off that they have at the moment.

I shall be wearing these slots in the next few months as they are just so comfy.

X x


  1. These look lovely on you, I really need some well cut trousers for the office x

  2. I love the cut of those trousers - they look lovely for the office.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  3. Oooh they look good, Sainsbury you say - that means another shopping trip!

  4. I get bored of jeans at times, these are a lovely alternative. Hope you're having a fab weekend x

  5. I haven't worn trousers for a few years but these look great on you x

  6. Cigarette pants are always a winner, I love how they cut off at the slim part of the ankle and give shape to legs whilst being slimming. I'm quite liking these Sainsbury specials, really nice tailoring.

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done


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X x