Sunday, 8 July 2012

Well I must Be Tasty!!!


I am just about to go on holiday and I end up with a leg the Elephant man would be proud of!

Whilst up the allotment I felt something nip my leg, though nothing much of it until I got home and now my leg looks like this;

Not only is it huge, but its red hot and itches like a crazy thing, even after antihistamines.

Lets hope it games down before Tuesday.

X x


  1. Oh so sorry for your leg..:( It must be an insect that bite you.. Antihistaminics will treate you in a very short time..
    So sorry.. I wish you get healthy ..

  2. Oh you poor thing!
    Looks like a horse fly bite: they are nasty wot-nots.
    Elevate your leg and drink lots of fluids this evening.
    Try popping cool flannels/cloths on your leg to bring down the temperature.
    Sending you hugs XX

    1. Thanks. Followed the advice but still huge this morning and very painful. Think I shall be popping into the walk in centre at some point today to get checked out.

      X x

  3. That looks exactly like the bite on my leg,exactly same place as well.So i feel your pain.I have been bitten to pieces this year.Dr has prescribed a mega course of antibiotics as she said its infected.I have started taking garlic capsules again to stop me tasting so nice.
    I do hope it goes down quickly and you dont scratch yourself silly

    1. Been good regarding the scratching but only cause its so painful! Off to see doc at some point today.

      X c

  4. I thought I was bad when I got a bite, but nothing like this! I hope it goes down soon x

  5. Fostermummy has given wise advice- but if it stays bad, you should get it checked out. I had one like this and ended up with antibiotics too x

  6. If that hasn't gone down by morning, get a medical pro to check it out please x

  7. Keep an eye on that ouch hugs x

  8. It's almost like the insects knew you were going on your hollies. Hope it sorts and have a great time.

  9. yowchie :( hope it clears up pronto x

  10. Ouch! That looks painful. Hoping its better now : )

    Gemma xxx

  11. That's so typical! I usually walk into something and sport a ginormous bruise if I'm due to live in a bikini for a few weeks! Hope it goes down soon. x

  12. OMG that looks awful poor you.

    Hope it gets better soon x


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