Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Wednesday Wonders....

Today I wondered;

Do my ducks ever get cross because their lovely withe feathers are all dirty?
I know I would.

Will my hair ever play nicely?
Or shall I just give up and cut it short?
(not gonna happen so you best play ball hair!)

What new lines shall I create for the shop next?

How do I get more hours in a day to get things done?

Random stuff, but thoughts that popped into my head during the course of the day.

What strange thoughts have you had?

X x


  1. We need to find a real life Doctor Dolittle to speak to the ducks and solve that unanswered question ASAP!

  2. Hmm, I would be a cross duck.

  3. I love that scarf - I would be a cross duck for sure.

    Lizzie's Daily Blog

  4. Sorry I have not visited your blog for a while but I have not been on blogger much lately. I do love your outfit esp that top its so pretty x

  5. Love your top! Your hair looks FAB in an updo too! Have a lovely week, xxx

  6. Lovely outfit; love the jeans, boots and scarf especially! xxx


Please be kind, remember we are all friends here.
I love getting your messages, they brighten up my day and will answer any questions as quickly as I possibly can.

Love and lipstick.
X x