Friday, 5 August 2011

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

Not too much has occurred this week but heres what made it onto my list:

The Good
Image from
A week of normal work including a day off!

The Bad

My youngest now loosing my iPhone!
I am NOT a happy mommy!

The Ugly
Image from
Having a daughter grounded all week during the school holidays.
One word......Hell!

Never mind eh, worse things happen.

She is off to PGL for a week tomorrow so a week apart will do us good.

X x


  1. oh no you poor thing. Grounded daughter its a hard one they can be hard work!. Its not nice losing things, frustrating the word. My daughter is always borrowing my phone and never giving it back, unless I say have you seen my phone?. xx

  2. Argh! How on earth did she manage to do that?

  3. Would you believe it fell out of her pocket! I was sooo cross!

    We have got her an android phone for the short term (free thanks to triple tesco vouchers!) and she is saving up to buy her own phone, Thankfully her unlimited sim fits into this one so she is covered call/text/internet wise.

    X x

  4. Oh no, losing your iphone is the worse, I'm lost without mine which I know is silly cos it's only a phone

    Bow Dream Nation xx


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Love and lipstick.
X x