Saturday, 6 August 2011

Sale Bargains!

You know the old saying looking leads to buying?

Well that is so true in my case.

I popped into our local Bhs, which I very rarely do and spotted a few things in there sale.

The jewellery was reduced and also buy one get one free.

So I brought;

Ring £1

The blue stone is a fab colour.

Earrings £2

Great for work.

And these very sparkly sandals.

Whilst they may not look too fab off they sparkle when they are on.

I truly must have been a magpie in a former life!

(The shoe ban truly has gone out the window)

My only saving grace was that I had to throw a pair of leather shoes out as they had ripped and were beyond repair, so I haven't really added any more just topped the number up a little!

X x


  1. That ring is lovely and the sandals are pretty too x

  2. Oh what bargains! I never go in BHS except at Christmas.

  3. Lovely items and i really like your red toe nails :)

  4. Great finds!! Love the ring! And replacing a pair of worn out shoes totally doesn't "count"!!! ;) lol!

  5. 'Just topped up the number' best excuse I ever heard lol x

  6. I absolutely love those sandals!

  7. love the ring, what a bargain at £1!!!

  8. Before I read your comment about being a magpie in a former life I thought that too :) You got some great bargains!


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X x