Sunday, 14 August 2011

What Sundays Were Invented For!

We are chilling out today.

I might cut the lawn if it is dry, I might defrost the freezer, I might even do a bit of ironing...

But you know what?!

I might not!!

This is what Ash will be doing for most of the day;

One very tired young lady after all her adventures last week.

Think I might join in and pop off to the land of nod!

X x


  1. Hi you relax and have a good one. I mowed the grass yesterday. It looked quite green after all the rain we have had. Looks like you are in for a peaceful day looking at the sofa!When I get up first thing in the morning I try not to make too much noise to wake the teen!(much prefer her lying in asleep!)

  2. That was me and the cats yesterday! I've had to chase round like a nutter this morning to make up for my laziness. x

  3. Thats all I ever do on Sundays lol x

  4. That's been me today! I only got dressed at 5.30pm *blushes*

  5. Haha hope you had a nice lazy day!

  6. Perfectly well spend Sunday, if I do say so myself! It rained here, so I only felt a little guilty for spending the day reading...

    The Pink Monocle

  7. Bless you Alex! I would have been the same if I could have been left to my own devices.

    I did defrost the freezer mind, it needed doing so badly and I can't believe how much food we have!

    X x


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Love and lipstick.
X x