Wednesday, 9 April 2014

No Prick Felt.....

No I'm not being rude but referring to my trip to the doctors for a blood test.

I honestly didn't feel a thing, the phlebotomist was bloody good.
No pun intended.

Blouse - H&M (old)
Jeans - Asda

My youngest has been driving my round the past few days.
She says I am the worst Tom Tom in the world.
A little harsh I feel but possibly true.

I'm not sure whats join on but she's even cleaned the lounge carpet for me today.
Can someone please tell me what they have down with the real Ashleigh Mae?

X x

An update on my  1000 items challenge.

 Total listed now sits at 430
(Another 20 items added today)

Only 570 to go
Ever closer to that half way mark!

And another slight increase of £50.
9 more item sold yesterday making the total £714

 X x


  1. Apparently I'm a very gentle phlebotomist. I'm quite proud of that. Although I do get great pleasure in saying "small prick" every now and again ;) xx

  2. Loving that H&M top honey, perfect for spring!

  3. Your not alone my Hubby calls me shat nav :) xx

    1. Thats class.. They're cheeky aren't they?

      X x

  4. I'm really impressed with your Ebay challenge, you're doing so well. What are you going to spend the money you make on? Love the bunnies in your last post, they're so cute. We've got two but they're great big things, they're Rexes.

    1. It will all go to pay for our summer touring holiday in France I think, although I would have loved a pair of louboutins I can't see hubby going for it!

  5. you're doing so well with the selling, is it mostly clothes? I need to get back into the e bay thing again I haven't listed anything for a couple of months!

    1. It's a bit of everything to be honest. Still amazes me what people will buy.

      X x


Please be kind, remember we are all friends here.
I love getting your messages, they brighten up my day and will answer any questions as quickly as I possibly can.

Love and lipstick.
X x