Friday, 6 April 2012

Happy Good Friday...

Today I have attended a Good Friday service, an hour by the cross, which is such a moving service.
And later I shall watch the Preston Pride, which I recorded whilst at church.

This weekend is one which I look forward to very much, filled with faith, family, love and friendship.

So I am off to finish making my Easter cards, bake my hot cross buns and create a centre piece for the table ready for Sunday.

Enjoy what ever you have planned for the Easter bank holiday and with a bit of luck the weather may well stay dry.

X x


  1. Sounds wonderful.
    Have a great Easter and enjoy your family time. So precious. X

  2. hi I love catching up with your posts & bits and peices. I hope all the exam stuff is going well for youre daughter, My dd had work experience at a recruitment agency & it was a miracle she managed the full 5 days & she did with a good reference. At school she tends to truant alot. DD is not home yet days have increased over easter . It has been hard work. We are taking it slowly as after not having her home I think we need a slow introduction to her prescence!.
    Have a lovely easter with your hubby & dd s
    Thanks for all your kind words to x x


Please be kind, remember we are all friends here.
I love getting your messages, they brighten up my day and will answer any questions as quickly as I possibly can.

Love and lipstick.
X x