Thursday, 5 May 2011

Gardening update

As you know I enjoy my garden.
I'm not green fingered and don't claim to be an excellent gardener but I do gain lots of enjoyment out of pottering about and watching things bloom.

My seeds are coming on a treat;

Busy Lizzie's are doing well,
Courgettes are too!

Hanging tomatoes are getting bigger.

Sweetcorn and butternut squashes are enjoying the sun.

Even more courgettes.

More tomatoes.
Finally the flowers are beginning to grow.
I am really pleased with how they are all growing.
Even if the flowers seem to be taking there time!
(Patience has never been a virtue I possess!)

As I have had more time during the past week I have tackled a few areas of the garden that I have been ignoring for far to long!

This corner had become a dumping ground for all the tree branches etc that had been cut down.

As for the side passage well you can see what a dump this looked!

The trouble is because people don't see these areas you tend to ignore them but this weekend I set too tidying them up.

Believe it or not I had to make four trips to the tip to get rid of all the rubbish.
It was worth it though as they now look like this;

A reasonably tidy area ready to be planted with shade loving plants.
(Now if only the falling fence was fixed, but as it's not ours I shall not be doing that!)

And a passageway that you now navigate with out fear of something falling on you!

Now all that is left to do is resite my potatoes/carrot bags and to plant up my pots for around the pond and for the front garden, along with my hanging basket. Is it too early yet?

Hard work but time well spent, especially when you can sit back and enjoy the lovely flowers.

What an enjoyable week it has been.
X x

Ps. Thank you for all your fringe advice. The majority of people say no to the fringe. Watch this space to see what happens.


  1. I used to work in the Garden Centre at B&Q and loved working with the plants, watering them and looking after them. I'd get those hanging baskets planted, but still watch out for frost on a night.

  2. awe i love how u fixed it all up and made it look nice- and i can't wait to see ur garden when it's FULL grown - my Dad plants a HUGE garden every year! - LOVE IT, with all thwe fresh fruits and veggies!

  3. I love the quote! It's so true.

  4. It's so exciting when things start to spout isn't it? My Mum says never put your hanging baskets out till June, but that is cause its flippin freezing most of the time up here in the North East!
    p.s. I would say a big Yes to the fringe! You can always grow it back out if you hate it.
    Kandi x

  5. Wow, you're going to be eating well (and cheaply!) in a few months' time!

  6. Oh that looks much tidier. Here's hoping the weather stays nice so that you can sit outside and enjoy it!

    You are going to have TONS of tomatoes soon!

  7. Brilliant! I love garden success!!!

  8. love the collection, visit and become a follower today at UNCOVER ME BEAUTY X

  9. wow i'm so impressed! i need to start this. you are great motivation. thanks for sharing!
    alyson, the average girl's guide


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I love getting your messages, they brighten up my day and will answer any questions as quickly as I possibly can.

Love and lipstick.
X x