Thursday, 5 January 2012

Grin And Bare It.

Yes the decorations are all down and packed away ready to be put away in the loft for another year.
Gone are the decorations.

Only minimal items are left in place.

It's sad to say that the house feels rather bear without them.
The book shelf is now just a little fuller.

With a huge gap where the tree once sat.

Plus it's meant I've had to clean through too.

At least the house is clean and tidy, even if the loft is now to become full again!
X x


  1. hi I do love it all going away!, think I may be a bit of a grinch this year!.
    I hope you did not put away your elf outfit?

  2. I didn't really notice ours going :( X

  3. I must admit I like it all being brought down there seems a lot more space now xx

  4. Oh also thank you for your kind comments on me not needing to lose weight, its just how I feel really. Hopefully I can just lose a stone. xx

  5. We didn't have a lot but it does look much more bare now. I've been asking Jon to take the fairy lights down since yesterday, knowing him they'll still be up there next Xmas. x

  6. I love the minimal, fresh feeling of the house when the decs come down and I've given the place a good clean, but I do miss the Christmas tree for a while, too!

  7. it's always a bit sad when the decs get put away...I'm determined to find something suitable to put up in their place.


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X x